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Kingspan Insulation Plant

The environmentally sustainable plant has a 750kW solar system designed into its roof structure. The solar system will provide most of the plants daytime shift energy requirements. RMA reviewed the sites wind forces to assist in the final design and layout of the fixing system for the roof solar panels.

Ambrose Treacy College, Indooroopilly

Construction of Stage Three of the Ambrose Treacy College Master Building Plan has commenced, providing more classrooms and specialised teaching and learning areas for Year 11 and 12 students. Working with Fulton Trotter Architects, the RMA team provided civil and structural design for the construction of two new multi-purpose buildings.

Glenvale Linear Parkland. Waterways and parks can cohabitate!

Introduction With the increasing density of urban development being encouraged by government, it is more important than ever that the available land bank be efficiently used. This includes maximising the value provided by green space in developed and developing areas. Linear parks containing a waterway, in particular, offer a high degree of visual amenity and …

Glenvale Linear Parkland. Waterways and parks can cohabitate! Read More »