RMA is currently working with Friendly Society Private Hospital on the $32 million upgrade of their Bundaberg health facilities. RMA is providing civil, structural, stormwater and traffic engineering services for the 3,875m² expansion.
Major cost savings stemmed from RMA’s coordination with the Bundaberg Regional Council to change the trunk infrastructure upgrade strategy. This resulted in council undertaking major stormwater infrastructure upgrades ahead of their planned schedule and provided adequate stormwater services for this development at no cost to our client.
Our civil and traffic teams collaborated to coordinate the planned permanent closure of a section of Crofton street. Our team undertook traffic studies to determine the impact the closure would have on the surrounding road network, as well as the redirecting and mapping of all underground services that were under the existing road.
RMA is currently working on stage four of this six-stage project. The construction for the expansion is set to be completed in 2023.