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Warrego Highway Options Analysis

Warrego Highway Options Analysis

Value Engineering

In preparation for the completion of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC), the Department of Transport and Main Roads required a preliminary route investigation for heavy vehicles travelling east of the TSRC.


RMA is investigating and assessing the suitability and capability of the state controlled road, the Warrego Highway (from the TSRC at Helidon to Dinmore), to accommodate the operation of freight efficient and multi combination vehicles for PBS Level 3A, 3B and 4A.


Advantages of RMA’s Input

The aim of completing this assessment is to identify existing geometric and operational constraints of the highway. A broad overview of what is being undertaken includes:


  • Formation width review
  • Operating speed assessment of curves
  • Review of climbing auxiliary lane assessment
  • Geometric route assessment

This project will inform an options analysis of the locations for a heavy vehicle decoupling facility.

Transport and Main Roads
Warrego Highway - Helidon to Dinmore, QLD
Main Roads
Traffic | Civil